Loyalty at it’s Finest
Every step I took, you were right behind me. Everywhere I stood, you were right beside me. I didn’t always give you my full attention; nonetheless, you were always there. You constantly stood out from the rest of the pack. While the others sat down for treats, you barked once or twice, and when jealousy kicked in, you barked insistently. While the others joyously jumped up and down over chow-time, you twirled for food as if you were putting on a heck of a show for me. At times you were a bit clueless as to where our voices came from when we called out your name at home. That always made us laugh. I guess the echo in the house confused you like it sometimes confuses me as well. Watching you run in the backyard with your long ears flapping in the wind was always the most adorable thing to watch. I never understood why you would lie down on the floor with only your hind legs on your bed, but it was interesting to see! When I was at my desk, you were under it. If I locked myself in the room, you were outside by the room door like a security guard. When I left the house you’d whine while staring at the front door. Perhaps you wondered if I was walking out on you… not in a million years! Even in your last days, where you could barely move, you still dragged your body across the floor just to be near me. You never gave up on me! I hope you know I never wanted to give up on you either. You never fetched balls, but you gave me the most valuable gift of all, your undying loyalty, and for that, I will be forever grateful! If there’s a doggie heaven, I know you will be welcomed there, as you were the sweetest and kindest dog ever. I surely hope and pray you’re somewhere in doggie heaven twirling away! Twirl away, Spartan, twirl away, and give them your best performance!
A candle was lit in memory of a Spartan.My sweet baby Spartan, I’m going to miss you everyday. I’ll miss your tender eyes, your way to be loving and the way you asked for love by pushing with your nose. You will always be in my heart.

A candle was lit in memory of Spartan.

A candle was lit in memory of Spartan.

What a beautiful obituary. My condolences.