Patton had a smile that would just make you laugh. He was protective of anyone he loved and would let you know it. Patton was the first one to meet you at the door and would do just about anything to get a ride in the car or go for a walk. He was also very good at taking up a queen size bed and refused to move. All those that and so much more are going to be so missed. Patton had heart disease and we knew his time was limited but you can never prepare yourself for saying good bye to your family member and that’s exactly what Patton was, our family.
A candle was lit in memory of Patton.

A candle was lit in memory of Patton.

A candle was lit in memory of Patton.

I remember when you joined the Jones’s family, Patton. You were a love from day 1. I know Rob had his rules to train you (but when you were here YOU GOT SPOILED!). You were loved by EVERYONE who met you, well mostly. You stood firm if you didn’t trust someone. I trusted your instincts, so did the rest of your family. You had 4 kids growing up with you and they needed you. The secrets they told you, the tears they shed with you, the anger they vented to you because you would let them go on and on, until they felt better. But the things that can’t be measured are the smiles you brought to the humans, the love you gave asking nothing more than a belly rub, or scratch, or ride in the car. or a few treats. Rest easy Patton and thanks for blessing us humans with your love.