My poor sweet boy I got him when he was six weeks old we had a bond like no other when they say birds Choose You it’s the truth my baby was just learning to perch still in his nesting box when I went to go meet him we connected right away I knew in that moment I was going to take him home and spoil ND love him to the fullest I proceeded to hand him back to the person who raised and hand Fed him so I could. Go pick out toys and a cage he refused to go to the one that hand Fed him and got him for the first 6wks of his precious life as I was walking out of the private room that they put me in to hold him and decide if we were a right fit he flew to me from across the room did I mention he was so little he had never taken flight like that but he did right to me our bond happened the second we both laid eyes on eachother Toni who raised and hand Fed him said do you know that bird just chose you I did my research and I had heard how birds Choose You I didn’t believe it till that moment literally…he never left my side after that and I never left his he went everywhere with me and was so bonded and tamed and the training I did with him he would just stay with me in stores outside anywhere and people were always so amazed at how he wouldn’t leave me even tough he could fly and was capable of it my heart is broken and I feel like a huge piece of me went with my sweet boy I’d give anything to have just one more second with him he had a specific call for me anytime I was out of his sight even if I was just in the next room or using the bathroom he would make his precious call for me an if I didn’t respond or come right away he would fly to where he thought I was and then walk the rest of the way till he found me he wasn’t just a pet to me he was family I love him more then I could ever express my pretty pretty boy what he learned the quickest was kiss kiss give me kiss he never once didn’t give kisses when I’d say kiss kiss what I would do to just get one more kiss and snuggles from my baby I will never forget him when he left a part of me left with him I love u my pretty boy and it hurts so much you were my everything